Decisions from the committee 25.02.2025

The committee recommends which varieties that can move on to industrial testing. Hereafter, it is up to the applicant to take a decision, about continuation in Danish Preferred (Industrial Test). In other words, there is no automatic going forward in the program and the applicant must carefully consider based on yield potential, agronomic performance, barley, and malt quality as well as European coverage, whether the variety has commercial potential as malting barley in Denmark. Please note that before final approval as a Danish Preferred approved variety, a multiplication area of min ​​500 hectares will be required.

In the evaluation of the committee, only the malt quality is considered. The attached Index sheet shows that the standard varieties are Laureate and Prospect. The attached Index sheet shows that the standard varieties Laureate scored 31 and Prospect scored 37. The 2024 stress test data can be found here

The following variety showed performance at a similar level or better as the standards and are recommended:

NOS Turner, NOS Sarissa, and LG Allegro


The committee revised the Danish Preferred Approved list and decided to remove the following varieties from the list: KWS Irina & Flair were removed from the list as there were less than 50 ha. of multiplication in 2024. Evergreen was also removed from the approved list due to the committee and applicant didnt see it as relevant anymore.